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University of Cambridge

Open: Tuesday–Sunday, 11am–5pm

We are closed on Bank Holiday Mondays.

Please note that on Wednesday 26 February Kettle’s Yard will be closing at 3.30pm for a private event. Last entry to the house will be at 2.15pm. Thank you.

Please note that Kettle’s Yard is closed on Easter Sunday (20 April).

Book Tickets

Open: Tuesday–Sunday, 11am–5pm

We are closed on Bank Holiday Mondays.

Please note that on Wednesday 26 February Kettle’s Yard will be closing at 3.30pm for a private event. Last entry to the house will be at 2.15pm. Thank you.

Please note that Kettle’s Yard is closed on Easter Sunday (20 April).

Carsten Höller - Crocodile 2002

The Unhomely

8 November 2003 – 11 January 2004

Sigmund Freud’s 1919 essay ‘Das Unheimliche’, literally ‘The Unhomely’, is more usually translated as ‘The Uncanny’. This exhibition explored the unhomely aspect of Freud’s essay and in doing so responded to the house at Kettle’s Yard, echoing some of its furnishings, fixtures and fittings.

This event has passed. FREE, come along

Works focussed on familiar objects rendered or made to appear, in different ways, inexplicable, uncomfortable or supernatural.

Amongst the exhibited works was Carsten Höller’s ‘Crocodile’, 2002 – a lifesized transparent cast of an adult crocodile. Over four metres long, the work recalls a story, recounted by Sigmund Freud, about carved wooden crocodiles coming to life. Robert Gober exhibited ‘Drain’, 1989, his iconic sinkhole. Bernadette Kerrigan’s untitled works presented fantastical landscapes meticulously fashioned from empty aluminium drink cans. Alongside these existing works Caroline Achaintre, Des Hughes, Jim Lambie, and Simon Periton, made new works for the exhibition.