Jeremy Moon
29 September – 4 November 2001
Exhibition of work by artist Jeremy Moon (1934-73). Moon read law at Christ’s College. Taking up painting seriously in the early ’60s he swiftly made his mark, as a teacher at St Martin’s School of Art in its heyday, and as a regular exhibitor at London’s Rowan Gallery alongside such artists as Bridget Riley and Phillip King.
From the outset his paintings were abstract, flat-coloured and geometric. But far from any severity, there is almost a Pop sensibility in a painting such as Battenburg whose square grid and colours hint at the sticky delights of marzipan and sponge.
These are bright and often jaunty paintings with a play between logic and irrationality, stillness and movement, the world of the picture and the world the picture inhabits.
Organised in association with Hardwork.