Hilary Moreton
Hilary Moreton’s practice is based in drawing and printmaking. Hilary uses mark making to explore movement and space. She is interested in map and journeys. She writes: “When I’m walking all I think about is walking. When I’m drawing all I think about is drawing. On paper I am free to move with the grace, precision and speed that I lack in my body.” Hilary’s recent works have been inspired by the organic lines of trees and plants as well as weathered pavements and the built environment around her.
Hidden amongst the plants on the bridge between the cottages this small sculpture is easily missed. You may only spot it on a sunny day when it casts a shadow on the wall. Spherical Construction, like the plants it sits with is dependent on the sun to come alive. Here it floats suspended by an invisible thread, ordered circles within the disorder of the plants. So many of Kettle’s Yard’s objects have secrets that are only revealed in certain conditions. This small piece is quiet until the sun shines and then it sings.