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University of Cambridge

Open: Tuesday–Sunday, 11am–5pm

We are closed on Bank Holiday Mondays.

Please note that on Wednesday 26 February Kettle’s Yard will be closing at 3.30pm for a private event. Last entry to the house will be at 2.15pm. Thank you.

Please note that Kettle’s Yard is closed on Easter Sunday (20 April).

Book Tickets

Open: Tuesday–Sunday, 11am–5pm

We are closed on Bank Holiday Mondays.

Please note that on Wednesday 26 February Kettle’s Yard will be closing at 3.30pm for a private event. Last entry to the house will be at 2.15pm. Thank you.

Please note that Kettle’s Yard is closed on Easter Sunday (20 April).

Heather Lord

Heather has worked extensively in the voluntary and non-for-profit sector, undertaking roles that aim to improve the lives of people in the community by representing their views and experiences and advocating for them to make positive change.

With a keen interest in creating spaces that are inclusive and accessible, the community projects at Kettle’s Yard are of particular importance to her.

Heather has visited Kettles Yard for many years and has always enjoyed the peacefulness of the house as well as its ability to inspire. The vibrancy and diversity of art within the gallery has enabled her to appreciate different forms of art, which she wants to embrace as a member of the Committee.

Heather believes a love for the arts can come from many sources within life and should be nurtured. She believes Kettles Yard’s gentle and unique approach to appreciating art can provide a, sometimes hidden, pathway for people to think about including art in their everyday.

Heather has lived experience of disability and wants to ensure this knowledge is shared and understood so as to make quality decisions about inclusion.

Heather has worked on projects that identify inequalities, look to remove barriers and increase diversity in all its many guises and create understanding. ‘Developing policies and practices that are imbedded within organisations, that are understood and supported by everyone is key to this work’ says Heather.

‘I am excited to join the committee and learn more about the ongoing and ambitious work programme for Kettle’s Yard and I appreciate this opportunity to be part of its future plans.’